Surviving Biomedical Therapies without Breaking the Bank

Juggling diets, supplements, IV treatments, educational therapies and the rest of life is taxing under the best of circumstances and particularly difficult on a budget. Dr. Brown will provide tips and approaches for choosing which battles to fight and which can be postponed, as well as tips for recognizing which will require experienced assistance. He will also take a look at those biomedical interventions that can be started before you meet with a practitioner and how to make the most of your therapy dollar.

Gregory L. Brown, MD, MD

Gregory L. Brown MD is a Board Certified Internist with 18 years experience in Emergency Medicine. He has received Practitioner and Advanced Practitioner training from “Defeat Autism Now” as well as ACAM instruction and certification in chelation therapy and certification in hyperbaric medicine from UHMS. He currently serves as Medical Director of the ARCH Medical Center in Franklin, Wisconsin, a practice dedicated to the medical treatment of children with autism spectrum disorders.

2008-09-22 11:00:00 Curt Linderman


My son Peter has been receiving IV chelation for the past year. (DMPS and EDTA). His last live cell showed a lot of oxidative stress in his cells. Our DAN Doctor suggested that we stop the IV form and try OSR which is taken orally, and is considered to be a lot safer and with better results. I was wondering if anyone has tried it and what results they've had.
Any comments would be greatly appreciated.


A Parent Survival Guide to ...

Modern psychiatry would like us to believe that autism is a "behavioral" disease.

Daily toxic exposure and its impact on health and behavioral development

The average baby has detectable levels at birth of 286 of the 300 most toxic chemicals in our environment. The EPA allow 85,000 chemicals to be released into the environment and 83,000 of these have never had any animal or human testing. The FDA allows over 2,000 chemicals to be added to food that the immune system must remove as a toxin. To maintain normal health and development we must identify, avoid and remove these toxic chemicals.

Gerald D. Wootan, DO, MEd, DO, MEd

Dr. Wootan is board certified in family practice and has been treating spectrum disorders for over 15 years utilizing biomedical and traditional approaches. He is also certified in hyperbaric oxygen therapy, chelation therapy and Defeat Autism Now. His recent book "Detox Diets for Dummies examins our daily environmental and dietary toxic exposures, how to avoid them and how to get rid of them. Dr. Wootan has been in practice for 25 years and has a master's degree in counseling psychology.

ARCH Medical Center Parent Q&A

Join Dr. Gregory Brown and other staff members of the ARCH Medical Center for this broad-ranging, casual, and comfortable Q&A opportunity to ask about biomedical issues in autism.

Gregory L. Brown, MD, MD

Gregory L. Brown MD is a Board Certified Internist with 18 years experience in Emergency Medicine. He has received Practitioner and Advanced Practitioner training from “Defeat Autism Now” as well as ACAM instruction and certification in chelation therapy and certification in hyperbaric medicine from UHMS. He currently serves as Medical Director of the ARCH Medical Center in Franklin, Wisconsin, a practice dedicated to the medical treatment of children with autism spectrum disorders.

Nutritional Treatment Studies for ...

This presentation will focus on new results of a major vitamin/mineral treatment study for children with autism.

Current State of Autism Biomedical Research

This presentation will summarize some of the recent advances in the biochemical understanding of autism and biomedical treatments for it. Topics include sulfation, oxidative stress, mitochondrial function, intestinal permeability, and more.

James B. Adams, PhD, PhD

Prof. Adams research is focused on the biomedical causes of autism and how to treat them. His research includes nutritional status (vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, amino acids), metabolic status (methylation, glutathione, sulfation, oxidative stress, neurotransmitters), toxic metals/chelation, and gastrointestinal bacteria.

Important Keys to Recovery

There are many critical elements in an ASD child’s treatment program that are needed to ensure the most successful outcome possible. Lori will discuss the unique combination of therapies that contributed to her son’s recovery including ABA, diet, chelation, supplements, and ionic footbaths. She will also describe how she improved her son’s social, play and cognitive skills through frequent and repetitive therapeutic interactions that parents and caregivers can implement themselves.

Lori Knowles-Jimenez, BA

Lori Knowles-Jimenez is a mother of a recovered child with autism and co-founder and director of New Beginnings Nutritionals, a company that provides high quality supplements designed for individuals with autism. As an international speaker, Lori enjoys drawing from both her extensive research, professional, and personal experience in recovering her own child to support parents and practitioners seeking answers to improve the lives of children affected with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs).

Current State of Autism Research

This talk will focus on research results that relate to both the causes of autism and how to treat it biomedically.