Hector Gonzalez

Guestbook Wall
mcq123 wrote:
11 years 36 weeks ago

Please please please fix the link to Dr. Bradstreet's presentation on Stem Cells. Whenever you click on the link for the presentation titled
"Are Stem Cells the Future of Autism Biomedical Therapies?" we get a different presentation after the advertisement. Thank you.

12 years 7 weeks ago

This will be published in a few hours.

thanks Hector

Ken Siri wrote:
12 years 7 weeks ago

Hello Hector,

Ken Siri here, having a problem with the video link for my presentation. When folks click on the link they receive "Access Denied". Suggestions?

samaxtics wrote:
14 years 18 weeks ago

Good Morning,

First, thank you for such a great website. There does seem to be a glitch though. On the profile page it stated that if one filled out the birth date field that it would not be displayed. A family member happened to google my name and along with my username my age is displayed for this site. I really don't want my personal info being displayed in this manner. Please do fix this soon. Thanks. Best regards.

patbaker wrote:
14 years 24 weeks ago

I have designed and developed and very practical program that is helping a lot of families with members with Autism. I would like to know if you would be interested in having my resource on your website and becoming an affiliate of mine. I would really appreciate it if you could have a look at the website www.ICanDoItLifeSkills.com
Your email bounced back. I look forward to hearing from you.

merehodge wrote:
14 years 46 weeks ago

Am I looking in the wrong place for archived radio shows? There used to be an archived version for each show and now I can't seem to find any for the shows I'm interested in.

Thanks for all you do!

doc2055 wrote:
15 years 6 weeks ago

Well, I just signed up to AutismOne, again, because I received an email inviting me to view a couple of links:
"Click for Amicus Brief to US Supreme Court" and "Click for Bruesewitz Petition to the US Supreme Court." I'm not sure how it is that I have been getting the AutismOne emails and now I had to sign up again. No problem, I didn't mind. It's just that each time I try to link to either of the above links provided in the AutismOne email to me, I get a big "Access Denied" statement. I simply wanted to stay informed of issues affecting my patients, my "Spectrum kids," as I call them. I am a board certified Family Physician working in the Integrative Medicine field, mostly in the DAN! tradition. So, I guess I am just reporting this glitch in the hopes that I might be able to complete the linking and then I will read what's there and probably sign the petition.

I do apologize for writing to you in a Comment on the Wall space but I could not get an email format to come up when I chose clicking on the link to the Technical part of AutismOne. Maybe you could forward this problem I'm writing about to the Technical people so they can get back to me and tell me why I get the Acess Denied statement to something I was invited to view in the first place.

Thank you very much.

Doctor Bob (as I'm known to my kids)

TDGreenND wrote:
15 years 12 weeks ago

Hi Hector,

I haven't been able to listen to the radio since the site redesign. I keep getting the error message "file not found". Is there something I may be doing wrong on my end? Do I need new software to listen in?



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Hector Gonzalez