
Guestbook Wall
Ed Arranga wrote:
13 years 21 weeks ago

Let me extend to you my personal welcome to our AutismOne Social Network. AutismOne is now the “one-stop-shopping center” for information about autism. We have the annual conference in Chicago, AutismOne radio, the Elizabeth Birt Center for Autism Law and Advocacy, the AutismOne Social Network and the AutismOne Store.


We urge you to log in on a regular basis and read the blogs and articles. If you see something with which you agree or disagree then please add a comment with your thoughts. This is an open community designed to help and support. We like to hear all sides.


Then write a blog, long or short, to express your thoughts or ask a question. I am looking forward to reading your opinions.


With my best regards,
Ed Arranga Executive Director

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Member Since January 10, 2011

About Me

Sheri Hardy
About Me
Relationship Status: 
Here For: 
A Little About Me: 

I am a stay at home Mom in WI. with 2 amazing little boys. Evan is 6 and Zach is 4. I like to inform myself as much as I can about autism since both of my son's have different degrees of it.

Why I am a Part of the AutismOne Community: 

I went to the Autism One Conference in 2009 and learned a lot of information about autism. I met a lot of wonderful people and walked away with the feeling that I was not alone on this journey.

What I am Here For: 
I would like to continue to educate myself on how to help my boys become the best that they can be.
Autism Help / Accomplishments: 

I have 2 son's that have autism, one mild and one moderate. I try and help newly diagnosed families go through the emotions of finding out their child has autism. It's nice to talk to someone that understands some of the challenges that families go through on a daily basis.

My Daily Motivations: 

My family is my first motivation. Seeing any accomplishment that my child makes is my motivation. Next would be my "autism friends." These friends have gotten me through some of the hardest days I have ever had. They truly understand what I go through on a daily basis.

Right now I am taking it day by day.
Help Needed: 
We will finally be starting ABA in a few months for my youngest and although I am very excited to be starting I also a little worried on how I am going to handle strangers coming to my house almost every day. It will take a lot of adjusting for me and my family. I also have questions about how do we keep our kids safe in school? Unfortunately our school district has had some recent problems that I am questioning their safety. I would also like to get some information on rashes connected to autism. My son was diagnosed with eczema and I want to know if and how there might be a connection. One last thing is dealing with some negative behaviors my sons have.
Help to Give: 

I can offer support to anyone that needs someone to listen.

Spending time with my family. I love to work in my garden, it's my place to have some of "me" time. Why does winter have to be so long! Oh does housework count?
Gardening, walking
Books / Magazines: 
mainly autism books right now.
Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom. - Marcel Proust
I like pretty much anything
TV Shows: 
Parenthood, some mindless reality shows, Minute to Win It, Money Drop, anything on HGTV or the Travel channel.
Almost Famous, Social Network, The Departed, What About Bob... too many to list.