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Autism News and Views

Celebrations Changes in Routine Can Be Difficult

Sometimes the simplest changes in routine can throw a child with autism for a loop. For example, take the holiday season, most children have no school and the routine gets thrown out the window. Let’s talk about something’s that can throw a child out of his routine.
Because routine is very important these kids, they need a routine securely in place, allowing them to stay up later in the evening or get up earlier or later in the morning can create havoc in a child with autisms day.

How Does a Moron Make it Through Med School

How does a moron make it through medical school? The truth is: they don’t. So what can possibly explain idiots like Dr. Michael Green, an infectious disease expert from the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, that defend an increase in the AAP and CDC’s recommended vaccination schedule? These people cannot be that stupid. They have had to get through medical school, no easy task I am sure. So what could the answer be? What could make physicians like Dr. Green vote to add more vaccines to an already massive vaccination protocol? There can only be one explanation: they are pure evil.

We've come so far, my Love

We've come so far, my Love

By Leslie McCann

With each improvement comes new expectations. I sometimes forget from where we've come. I sometimes focus too much on where we are now. I all too often focus on the things we still have to work on. I sometimes forget to pause in gratitude.

Therefore, I choose to take this brief moment in time to reflect on where we've come from ... to feel grateful ... to breath a sigh of relief that we are not THERE anymore. To be elated that we have come so far. We've come so far, my Love. Sweet Vail. My precious, precious Love.


While on holiday with family, my sister made a comment about how much improvement my boys had made since the last time she had seen them – it had been about 9 months since her last visit. I cheerfully accepted her polite observation with a thankful smile. She then began to list things she noticed as improvement in their behaviors. As I cataloged her observations, I began to realize the gains my boys had made in the past year. Maybe - just maybe - all that we do is making an impact.

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Raising a Child on the Spectrum: ...

AO/GR 2012 Conference: Ken Siri, MBA.

Presentation     Bio/Abstract

Biofilms, Bugs, and Bowels: ...

AO/GR 2012 Conference. John H. Hicks, MD.

Abstract/Bio     Website

The First Dads of Autism: Life ...

AO/GR 2012 Conference. Mark Blaxill, MBA. 

Bio/Abstract      Website

Startup company succeeds at hiring ...

Startup company Aspiritech was created out of a mother's passion to create jobs for her son that more closely matched his unique talents and abilities.


Weekend 30 Minute Autism Global News in Review - 10/23/10

Rob, Debra and Mike Sidell introduce a great show mthat reviews articles about an new early trial voice test for ASD, a possible treatment for the breath holding stims in girls with Rett Syndrome, adenvirus-36 and the epidemic of obesity in children, a new study of the long term benefits of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), the detection of higher than normal Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHS) in the brain coorelates strongly with abnormal brain development in rat models, the growth curve of the development of the human brain has been devised to describe brain maturity and the possi

Weekly Global Autism News in Review - 20min. - 10-20-2010

Rob Sidell produces a show reviewing articles about new breakthroughs using MRI to diagnose ASD, the FDA's warning about over the counter chelation products, big pharma promoting off-label use of its products, the prevalence of long term mental disorders in US teens, how we can support a more satisfying life and the value of playing shoot 'em up action video games inenhancing decision making and processing sensory information.