Kerri Rivera

Guestbook Wall
Kerri Rivera wrote:
14 years 30 weeks ago

I cannot retreive private messages in this. So, Acaceli CA...sorry. I cant get it. I hope you read this.

Kerri Rivera wrote:
14 years 30 weeks ago

Sorry not to have been responding. But I had some access problems. My husband always says that there is only ever a problem with the user...whatever. I am back. :)

Peanutsmommy wrote:
14 years 30 weeks ago

Hi I am new here and would love to meet other parents who are like me trying to recover their children. Hope to hear from u soon!

Kerri Rivera wrote:
15 years 7 weeks ago

I guess my problem was my email. I put in my yahoo email address and you have the Ao address. I need to remember that. However, still cant change my profile info. Like my age...

Rob Wickens wrote:
15 years 7 weeks ago

Hola Kerri, gran tenerle en el equipo y manejar el grupo español de autismo.

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Member Since June 1, 2009

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Kerri Rivera