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Power Point Presentation By: Michael W. Elice, M.D. and
Barbara Fischkin.

Find the Source:
Intestinal Permeability,
Immune dysfunction,
Food Intolerance, Allergies,

Stewart: Kendal Stewart, MD & Lisa Hunter Ryden: The Parent and Physician Partnership for Healing our Children

This will be the first radio show to feature the parent and physician team approach to healing and recovery of an autistic child. Dr. Stewart and Lisa will discuss the importance of integrating a Coordinated Care Model, which uses evidence based medical treatments, a parent and professional team approach, and open communication as a means of recovering a child from autism.

14 vaccine / autism studies revealed as false / GM Foods discussed

We had our 6th segment of the fourteen studies on today. These are the studies that doctors and researchers will tell you are the definitive proof that vaccines are safe and effective for our children. We at Linderman Live! of course, destroy their house of cards. You can find these studies at Listen every Wednesday for more!

We also discussed the recent study regarding the increased prevelance of celiac disease and the autism / auto immune disease connection in immediate family members.

Sharing Jordan's Challenging Area's, Goal's, Modification's and Support's

Challenging areas for my child Jordan:
In sharing this IEP information, my hope is to help out mom's andvery educator's.
Regular Education Teachers don't have very much information provided to them on autism,they really need more in-service in this area! I teach teachers how to instruct my child...
Information provided by: Speech teacher Kacey Newman.
1. Higher level language tasks including how and why questions, explaining reasons why and inferring.
2. Rote memory is a skill Jordan excels at, he greatly struggled with recalling sentences that are presented to him verbally.

07/15/09 Global News in Review

Autism Global News in Review - 8 articles

What Say You?

I’ve been very discourage as of late. There is a shadow of darkness and gloom hanging over our community. A heinous monster which only serves to defeat us, only serves to further distance us, conquer and divide.

Maybe you’ve come to realize it too? That ugly assaulting being is none other than each other. It’s no secret that there exist two entirely different pools of thought in the autism community. Those of us who desire to improve upon our loved one’s health to the point that they recover from autism, and those who feel threatened by the concept.

putting the pieces of the research puzzle together

CNN recently reported on a University of North Carolina study where researchers found that toddlers with autism had a portion of their brains, (the Amygdala) that was on average thirteen percent larger than the neurotypical controls. The study, which was published in the latest Archives of General Psychiatry, looked at 50 toddlers with autism and another 33 that were neurotypical. They were all scanned at two and four years of age.

What Are Vaccination Choices and Why Do They Matter?

Article By: Louise Kuo Habakus, HHP, AADP,

I wrote this article for you if someone you know is having a baby, entering sixth grade, heading to college, starting a new job, turning sixty, or traveling overseas, they may have some vaccines in their future, so please share it with them, too.

Transformational Philanthropy: Entrepreneurs and Nonprofits

Power Point Presentation By: Lisa M. Dietlin

Overview of Philanthropic World
More and more nonprofit organizations are being created
Competitions for resources is intense
Most nonprofit organizations focus on corporations and foundations

Recovering from Autism with Sequential Homeopathy

Autism File Re-print Article By" Cindy Griffin, DSH-P, DIHom, BME,
Lindyl Lanham, DSH-P, BS Spec Ed, and Fraser Baker, PhD

Sequential Homeopathy: A
chronological unmasking and
resolution of subliminal problems
induced by the person’s history of
insults, injuries, medications, vaccines,
and illnesses.