Advanced Treatments for Autism and Strategies for Non-Responders

Power Point Presentation By: Dr. Rossignol

Dr. Rossignol will discuss advanced treatments for autism, including hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), IV therapeutics (including chelation and glutathione/NAC), anti-inflammatory medications, IVIG, high-dose antioxidant therapy, and advanced laboratory testing. He will also review approaches and strategies for children who are slow to respond to treatment or are non-responders, including the management of subclinical seizures, the glutamate/GABA brain ratio, brain autoimmunity findings, and chronic GI Clostridia.

Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Simplified Approach by Daniel Rossignol, MD, & Richard Frye, MD, PhD

Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Simplified Approach by Daniel Rossignol, MD, FAAFP, and Richard Frye, MD, PhD
(c) 2011 Autism Science Digest(R)

Autism and the Military Family by Lisa Rupe

Autism and the Military Family by Lisa Rupe
(c) The Autism File 2009

Sauna Detox using Far-Infrared Therapy, by Bob Morgan

There are many valuable therapeutic affects from using saunas.
They can be categorized as:


Know What Treatments Work and How To Get Them To Work Even Better.

Power Point Presentation By: James Neubrander, MD/

The basis for helping children with autism move closer to recovery requires the combined
approaches of education and biomedicine. Based on physician and parent surveys,
when variables and confounding factors are held constant, certain therapies have
been shown to have greater or lesser frequencies of response. The responses to some
therapies are more global in nature than are others.

Avoiding Autism


(c) 2009 The Autism File.

Daily toxic exposure and its impact on health and behavioral development

The average baby has detectable levels at birth of 286 of the 300 most toxic chemicals in our environment. The EPA allow 85,000 chemicals to be released into the environment and 83,000 of these have never had any animal or human testing. The FDA allows over 2,000 chemicals to be added to food that the immune system must remove as a toxin. To maintain normal health and development we must identify, avoid and remove these toxic chemicals.

Gerald D. Wootan, DO, MEd, DO, MEd

Dr. Wootan is board certified in family practice and has been treating spectrum disorders for over 15 years utilizing biomedical and traditional approaches. He is also certified in hyperbaric oxygen therapy, chelation therapy and Defeat Autism Now. His recent book "Detox Diets for Dummies examins our daily environmental and dietary toxic exposures, how to avoid them and how to get rid of them. Dr. Wootan has been in practice for 25 years and has a master's degree in counseling psychology.

QEEG-Guided Neurofeedback: New Brain Based Subtype Assessment and Successful Individualized Treatment for Autism

QEEG-guided neurofeedback is based on normalizing dysregulated brain regions that relate to specific clinical presentation. QEEG-guided neurofeedback is specific to each individual’s QEEG subtype. The goal is to balance brain functioning. This tailored approach should not be underestimated.These include significant speech and communication improvements, calmer and less aggressive behavior, increased attention, better eye contact, and improved socialization, including medication reduction.

Michael Linden, PhD, BCN

Michael Linden, PhD, BCN, BCB, is a licensed clinical psychologist and a
board certified biofeedback and neurofeedback therapist. Dr. Linden has been the director of Attention Learning Centers and Attention Performance Centers since 1988. He has specialized in QEEG assessment and neurofeedback treatment of children, adolescents, and adults with ADD and ASD since 1982.

James Neubrander, MD

James Neubrander, MD, is board certified in environmental medicine
and is the medical director of two entities. Since the mid-1990s, Dr.
Neubrander has treated 4000-5000 children on the autism spectrum. He is
known as the “Father of Methyl-B12” and an innovator of hyperbaric oxygen
therapy (HBOT) protocols used to treat children with ASD and other disorders.

Cynthia Kerson, PhD, QEEGT

Cynthia Kerson , PhD, BCN, BCB, QEE GT, is certified in both
biofeedback and neurofeedback. She completed her master’s degree in
humanistic psychology at Sonoma State University and her PhD in applied
psychophysiology at the University of Natural Medicine. Dr. Kerson serves as
the clinical director of Marin Biofeedback.